Twenty 20 First Box-Office Report
The "all stars in one screen" film is out, and as expected opening is fantastic. what which was not that expexted was the praise it is getting from all corners. Everybody seems to like the film. There are reports about a 3 day boycotting of the film by Mohanlal fans to protest against the alleged side-lining of the star in the film's promos. In the film Mohanlal gets his introduction just before interval, but he still seems to have good screen presence. This boycotting might mean stable collections even after 3 days. Anyways, hats off to Joshy and Uday-Sibi for pulling off the seemingly impossible. The reviews are yet to appear in websites, for unknown reasons.
This is for the first time in the history of cinema that all major actors in a film industry came together to make a film. This is another feather on the hat of Malayalam cinema.
Here's a short :
Positives - :
1. Introduction of Suresh gopi
2. Introduction of Mammooty
3. Pre- Interval scenes between Mohan lal & Mamooty
4. Fight scene between lal & mammooty
5 . Comedy scenes of dileep
6. Climax scene
Negetives - :
1. First few comedy scenes
2. Most of the songs
The Manorama News Opening day report (in Malayalam):